My research focuses on the microscopic theory
of dilute quantum gases, with particular emphasis on:
- many-body properties of quantum mixtures
- synthetic gauge fields
- topological order
- open quantum systems
- interplay between disorder and interactions in quantum gases
- few-body properties of strongly-interacting systems: scattering in mixed dimensions and Efimov physics
News and events
In February 2025 we will organize the first CAPS & CQA Winter School on Ultracold Quantum Many-body Systems. Our school will be held at the "Centro de Ciencias Pedro Pascual" in Benasque (Spain):

In September 2024 started "IMAGIQ: Investigating Matter And Gases In the Quantum domain"!
(a 3-years national project awarded to our research group)
In September 2023 we organized an International Workshop on Quantum coherent dynamics: turbulence, non-equilibrium and interactions, as a satellite meeting to the BEC Sant Feliu 2023 conference. The meeting took place at the Institut d'Estudis Catalans, in Barcelona:

In April 2023 we organized the Barcelona Cold Atoms Meeting, a joint workshop which every year gathers all groups working on quantum gases in Barcelona:

In November 2022 we have organized the first CAPS School on Ultracold Atoms, as a Satellite meeting to the Cold Atoms Workshop 2022. The School took place at UPC, in Barcelona:

In December 2021 I have been awarded a prestigious ICREA Academia Award! This is a personal grant with a duration of 5 years offered by ICREA (Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies), supporting excellent research done by permanent Professors in the Catalan Universities (by means of a personal prize, a generous research fund and a strong reduction of the teaching load). [press release]

In Summer 2021 I have coordinated a 3 months' program at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics in Santa Barbara (California), entitled Interacting Topological Matter: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Systems.

The program contained an associated Conference, entitled Entangled Quantum States of Matter: Classification, Creation, Manipulation, Detection, but the latter got unfortunately cancelled due to the global pandemics.

In September 2019 I organized a Conference titled Dynamics and interactions in quantum gases, as a Satellite meeting to BEC 2019. The Conference took place in Maó, the capital-city of the island of Menorca:

In Summer 2018 I organized a Meeting on Ultracold Quantum Mixtures in Barcelona:
In Spring 2017 I organized a School and Conference in Austria:

Visitors of my page:
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